lunedì 18 ottobre 2010

Maieutica Ep Update October 2010

In this week we have meet a new and old friends from Rome and other towns around it. We have recorded 4 songs that composing our new Ep called "Maieutica"..This Ep will be released on StrikeDown Records in December 2010 in 7 inch and digital download version.. We take this opportunity to thanks Mirko Ravaglia of Temple Of Noise Studio, Blasi from Strength Approach, Martina, xRenatox, Er Teschio, Luca, Pise, Carla, and Stify, for the help and the support... The release of "Maieutica" Ep will be accompained from an European Tour with our dear friends A Faded Glory.. Stay tuned for the upcoming news..See you into the pit !!!