mercoledì 18 novembre 2009

15-11-2009@ The Cube

Some of our shit done by FRENK.COM

When we have confirmed participation in this show, we knew that something would go wrong, but we decided to participate 'cause we were excited to play again with CURSE THIS OCEAN a young band of friends ( playing hardcore in converge style). They are so fucking crazy. Once we arrived at The Cube, finished mounting the stage (the floor) with CTO and TEM, we moved to eat something, but at Cagliari on Sunday everything is closed except for some snack-bar in the center. After dinner we return to the local, and CTO starts to play! 20 minutes very intense. After CTO follow THE EROTIK MONKEY with a really good show, and Matteo and I have tried to give movement to the situation with the fans of TEM and have done some stage dives. After TEM show, we started to play, public participated with a bit of moshing pogo, and CTO and TEM were into the pit to incite the public and to support was fucking great, 'cause many of the bands doesn't stay under the stage to see your performance.Mick of CTO sang with me the song "No Fate" with a really good performance....Meanwhile we did moshing and stage dives, at downstairs there was a metal concert, with IronMaiden coverband. Arrived at the moment to be paid CTO, RAD, & TEM, have taken a big dick in their fucking ass, 'cause ROCKSTAR with the excuse that he had to pay the service, gave us 17,50 euros to be divided into three bands...and suggestions 5,25€ for band...We aren't stars, not asking for money, but when we play live we want to defray the expenses, 'cause we used the show money to pay our RADroom , recording session, merchandise etc etc...We concluded that the ROCKSTAR sucks!! Luckily we have sold enough merchandise to pay RADROOM this month!!!

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