venerdì 3 dicembre 2010

RISE AFTER DEFEAT - Maieutica - EP - 7 inch / CD / Digital Download

Buy now @ StrikeDown Records Online Store
Maieutica, the new Ep of the sardinian hardcore band RISE AFTER DEFEAT. 4 songs of powerful hardcore. 13 minutes of speed, violence, epilepsy riffs, moshing & breakdown. This album manages to mix the impact of classic, ignorant and direct hardcore with the oceans of music that influence this genre & life style.

Recorded, Mixed and Mastered in October 2010 @ Temple Of Noise Studio in Rome by Mirko Ravaglia (Strength Approach / Vanilla Sky)

Artwork by Francesco Liori @ Eye Of Providence Design (Gold Kids / More Than Life)
- Dreams become old memories
- The price to pay
- What will remains
- The end of my perfect world

200 - CD in classical jewel box case
300 - 7" Vinil (Black) with free digital Mp3 Download
200 - 7" Vinyl (Green splatter) with free digital Mp3 Download

- CD + T-shirt + Free Mp3 & Stickers
- 7 Inch + T-shirt + Free Mp3 & Stickers
Buy now @ StrikeDown Records Online Store


mercoledì 10 novembre 2010

Euro Tour 2010 Cancelled

We are forced to cancelled the tour of 2 weeks that was scheduled for December 2010. Many of the promoters who have booked the shows, from one month no longer meet the mail or at phone. We are sorry, but we prefer to cancel everything for our safety, we are not sure that the shows are booked and therefore we prefer not to risk. we would like to thank the 3 promoters that gave us help seriously.. (Ansgar @ Cafè Nova - Essen, Luca @ 2kk Booking - Netherlands, and Gian @ S.G.A. - Milan).

lunedì 18 ottobre 2010

Maieutica Ep Update October 2010

In this week we have meet a new and old friends from Rome and other towns around it. We have recorded 4 songs that composing our new Ep called "Maieutica"..This Ep will be released on StrikeDown Records in December 2010 in 7 inch and digital download version.. We take this opportunity to thanks Mirko Ravaglia of Temple Of Noise Studio, Blasi from Strength Approach, Martina, xRenatox, Er Teschio, Luca, Pise, Carla, and Stify, for the help and the support... The release of "Maieutica" Ep will be accompained from an European Tour with our dear friends A Faded Glory.. Stay tuned for the upcoming news..See you into the pit !!!

sabato 11 settembre 2010

UPDATE September 2010

After a summer of intense shows, with sardinian and italian bands, Rise After Defeat this October will enter @ Temple Of Noise Studio in Rome to record their second work, that will be out in 7 inch on STRIKEDOWN RECORDS in December 2010.

To give you an idea of the new songs, we recorded at home one of these 5 songs. We' ve upload now the song in our myspace page. The song is called "MISLED YOUTH" , it's a tribute to one of my favorite skate videos (Zero Skateboard - Misled Youth). The song talk about the decline of our generation due to drugs. Many of our friends are trapped in this reality, and we refused to take part in this self destruction.

The record is very bad, but we are eager to make you hear the new stuff. Please feel free to give us some advice !!!

We take this opportunity to thank all the people and friends who have supported us so far, all bands that have shared the stage with us, those who have bought t-shirts, who has booked our shows, and all kids that scream along with us under the stage.


lunedì 14 giugno 2010


We spent three fantastic days with our new friends A FADED GLORY and our little bros CURSE THIS OCEAN and MY OWN PRISON..You are wonderful people, and RISE AFTER DEFEAT are very grateful for the support and friendship !!!

A Special thanks also to new friends STATE OF MIND from Olbia, and to the old friends even from Olbia Sandro, Simone, Tore and Raffà.

Thanks also to all kids, friends and fans from Cagliari who have welcomed and supported us @ Zero Cafè.

Through this cooperation of these three bands and your presence at our show we keep the Cagliari Hardcore scene alive..WE LOVE YOU !! LOVE & RESPECT !!!

RISE AFTER DEFEAT - Cagliari Hardcore -

lunedì 24 maggio 2010

New RISE AFTER DEFEAT T-shirt Design

New RISE AFTER DEFEAT T-shirt Design by Uomo Tigre (Dagger Tattoo - Dagger Design) Available in 4 different Colours .. PRE-ORDER UP NOW @

giovedì 20 maggio 2010

Dreams fade away to become old memories

Throught our lives we waste our time
Searching welfare and happiness
We are convinced to find them in money and family
But families collapse and money ends
We are required to follow a pre-wrapped life
A good job, big houses and a child
our dreams locked by responsibilities
Dreams fade away to become old memories
But when you realize it's always too late
You die sad for having lived like a hypocrite
We'll not make this mistakes,
It's better to be refused for what you are,
than to be accepted for what you are not.

martedì 4 maggio 2010


We are the living dead, walking on the dead way

There's no future, no future for us

There's no tomorrow, there's no way out

We've lost all our hopes, we've lost all our dreams

We are the misled youth, we're the living proof

Always against the grain, no future in this place

Fuck this place, and fuck to everybody else

This is our time now, we'll strike you down

You can't forget our struggle,you can't forget our dreams

All these years spent in this fucking sacrifice

We are the misled youth, we're the living proof

Always against the grain, no future in this place

We've lost all our hopes, we've lost all our dreams


Everything is falling apart. No hopes, only broken heart.
The end of my perfect world, the end of my fucking hopes.

Every word you said, every word you heard.
All these days lived surrounded by the fear
of losing what I have, what I've ever need,
I realize that I'm surrounded by hypocrites.

This is the end of my perfect world
This is the end of my fucking dreams

All the time is passed , the time spent together.
All the secrets, (secrets) for you doesn't matter
Now no longer matter, everything we did.
This is just the end of our fucking dream.

This is the end of my perfect world
This is the end of my fucking dreams

All my world is lost, all my count is bound
to these years lived in my fucking perfect ground.
Everything is falling apart. No hopes, only broken heart.
The end of my perfect world, the end of my fucking hopes.

NEW T-SHIRT Design coming soon in June/ July 2010


martedì 16 febbraio 2010

Recensione Full length album su

I Rise After Defeat sono un giovane gruppo hardcore sardo di recente formazione. Il loro suono si rifà a quello di mostri sacri come Madball, Terror, Sick Of It All e Death Before Dishonor, ma senza risultare un patetico copia/incolla. Questo loro omonimo lavoro su Strikedown Records ci regala dieci schegge hardcore fatte di ritmiche serrate che, sebbene in alcuni punti risultano macchinose e un po’ fredde, regalano comunque un buon impatto, merito anche di testi al vetriolo che vomitano tutto il loro malessere sulle difficoltà della vita e la “prigionia” in una città (ma anche isola) che limita non poco le aspirazioni del gruppo.
“A Caged Called Home”, “All I Need”, “R.A.D. Anthem & Stench Of Old” e “Pray To Be Saved” sono le mie canzoni preferite di questo lavoro, che trasuda di passione e sacrificio, segno che i cinque ragazzi ci hanno messo cuore e anima nella composizione di questo materiale.
Sono 10 pugni nello stomaco per intensità e rabbia nell’esecuzione, un’intensità che sicuramente si triplicherà durante i loro concerti, dimensione sicuramente a loro più congeniale.
Il lavoro nel complesso risulta discreto, in quanto la resa sonora non è del tutto ottimale e dal punto di vista esecutivo i passaggi di batteria risultano freddi e macchinosi, fattore probabilmente dovuto all’inesperienza e all’ “ansia” da registrazione che porta spesso a una certa rigidità esecutiva. Ma c’è poco da preoccuparsi, la dinamicità esecutiva verrà con l’esperienza, macinando concerti su concerti, cosa che di sicuro non dispiace al gruppo.
Un album che risulta un buon punto di partenza e che farà girare il nome del gruppo negli ambienti giusti. “This Is Real Hardcore” è la frase che campeggia sull’adesivo posto sul cd. Una dichiarazione che potrà far storcere il naso o risultare provocatoria. Io mi sento di assicurare il gruppo, perchè a livello di attitudine e passione non è inferiore a nessuno.

martedì 2 febbraio 2010

FIRST WOLRD COLLAPSE Sardinian Mini-tour

The tour is over, but the friendship remains... Ashes of betrayal and My own prison are wonderful people .. The few friends whom we can trust. we spent together fun and unforgettable moments... We hope to share the stage again as soon as possible..The shows were hot and intense, 'cause we supported each other, no jealousies, no rockstars, just pure and true hardcore..The union gives us the strength... We take this opportunity to thank you all for helping to make this mini-tour unforgettable..A special thanks goes to Giopy of AOB for giving us a bed and food..and also to all the Ashes Of Betrayal for making available the equipment for RAD & MOP...WE LOVE YOU DUDES:)


Recensione Full length album su

Recensioni martedì 02 febbraio 2010:
Rise After Defeat – Rise After Defeat cd (Strikedown Records, Kattive Maniere Records, Stify Truelove, Silentproject, 2009)

Primo full-length per la hardcore band cagliaritana, in attività da circa un anno e forte di una serie di live shows che hanno incendiato l’isola in lungo e in largo. L’etichetta applicata come parental advisory sul cd (“This is real hardcore – straight in your fucking face”) potrebbe essere più esplicativa di questa recensione. Potenti e claustrali, con evidenti influenze metal e un gusto per il tupa tupa brutale ed estremo (non quello lanciato e “speedy”, insomma): due elementi che combinati insieme suonano molto U.S.A. anni ottanta.

10 pezzi 10, corredati da testi in rigoroso inglese e a sfondo individualista/anarcoide (“Always war”, per esempio, potrebbe benissimo trovarsi nell’inserto di un vecchio Lp dei Discharge), che si susseguono in scaletta senza cali di tensione sensibili, con condimento di cori.

Un ottimo biglietto da visita per i Rise After Defeat, che a parere del sottoscritto non tarderanno a fare il paio con i gruppi di punta dell’HC nostrano attuale. Pollice in alto.


Per contatti, o per avere il cd:

mercoledì 20 gennaio 2010


Yesterday was released the 2nd Ep of Ashes of Betrayal on my label..200 copies..the album and the band are very good.. in few time (only 15 minutes) you can hearing much of it, very violent and very intense..This is the SD 002..and my bedroom has become a warehouse...LOL.. I'm very proud of this production..Tomorrow starting the shippings for the distribution.. stay tuned dudes